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Delhi High Court Denies CBSE's Mark Correction Portal against students' pleas!

The recent ruling by the Delhi High Court declined a student's plea seeking rectification of her internal assessment marks for Class 10 on the CBSE portal. The court underscored the potential disruption that could arise if schools were permitted to rectify errors made while uploading marks. Justice C. Hari Shankar acknowledged the student's predicament but emphasized the court's constraints in light of circulars explicitly prohibiting amendments to uploaded internal assessment marks.
In a recent judicial order, the court affirmed that once a school uploads a student's internal assessment marks on the CBSE website, no revisions can be requested, even in cases of errors during the upload process. The court expressed regret, citing the necessity to adjudicate based on regulations rather than empathetic considerations.

The petitioner, a student in a CBSE-affiliated school in Oman, approached the court after discovering a discrepancy. Despite achieving a flawless score of 20 out of 20 on a paper during the internal assessment, her final Class-10 results from the CBSE indicated an allocation of only 18 marks.
The petitioner contended that she earned 20 marks, which was indisputable, and she should not be penalized for the school's oversight. Nevertheless, the court emphasized that limitations on corrections serve the public interest, advising schools to exercise caution during the process of uploading marks.
Justice C Hari Shankar observed that permitting errors in mark uploads could lead to disorder. The CBSE, responsible for overseeing schools in India and abroad, might encounter challenges in individually verifying and rectifying marks, potentially causing delays in the final results for all students.

The court underscored that the circulars issued by the CBSE were unchallenged in the case, signifying no sustainable grievance in the petition. This decision underscores the critical importance of precision in mark uploads and the irrevocability of assessments once they are uploaded, ensuring the integrity of the examination and result declaration process.

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