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Schools in Maharashtra may start classes from 9 am for students up to class 2

Addressing the sleep schedule of young students and its impact on learning, the Maharashtra government is considering starting school classes from 9 am for students up to class 2, following concerns raised by experts that young children are not getting enough sleep due to early morning classes.

A committee of expert paediatricians have been appointed to recommend essential measures and move toward a final decision on the matter that will be made once the committee submits its report.

This proposal came after the Governor of Maharashtra, Ramesh Bais, urged the government to change school timings for young children. He said that in recent times, children are staying awake even after midnight due to changes in sleep patterns, proving difficult to wake up early for school. 

The proposed change would align the timings of younger students with those of older students and reduce the burden on working parents. The department is also considering introducing a four-day school week for these classes.

The key highlights include:

- Classes starting from 9 am until Grade 2.

- Introducing a 4-day school week.

- Aligning the class timings of students.

It is important to note that this is just a proposal, and no final decision has been made yet. However, it is a welcome development, as it could help to ensure that young children get the sleep they need to thrive.

Source: Hindustan Times

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